Thursday 1 September 2011

hack ur neighbours WI-FI

You surely love using high speed internet. And if it comes to you at no cost then its like paradise on earth. Suppose you have a nice, loving neighbor who uses high speed connection , let say of 8 Mbps, and have a router too. He is mostly out of house and there is Wi-Fi wastage on his back. Then its your responsibility to protect it from wastage by using it for your own.neighbor wifi
There are two ways to get your desired thing. First ask him to use his Wi-Fi, if he agreed, well and good. But if not use the second method. (Mostly you are forced to use this second one)
So initially you required following tools for hacking the neighbor`s wi-fi.
  1. Any good software for hacking like iWep Lite or CommView
  2. WEP recovery key
  3. Aircrack-NG
Start the Mission -With CommView
  • After installing Commview, paste the “cv.exe” to the install directory (c:program files\commviewwifi)
  • then let it install the driver on its own after detecting your card.  you should have 1 card that is connected with commview. drivers
  • Select  “enable advanced rules” in rules menu. Write “tods=1 and dmac=FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF” in the box with name formula. then click add/edit after naming it.
  • Go to settings>options>memory usage and choose max buffer packets to 20000 (max). Except the first one named as “capture data packets” uncheck all the other check-bars on the main bar of CommView.
  • After the above setting, start scanning for the network. If you found your required network, click on the capture button after selecting your desired network.CommView_for_WiFi
  • By utilizing your spare adapter, try to connect with password protected network. if asked for key, type anything randomly,like 987654321 or kjgfgdlfgk.
  • It probably shows the limited connectivity sign. Come back to commview menu there should be a couple of packets in packets tab.
  • You should see some packets named as IP/UDP, ARP REQ, and a couple of others, On the protocol column. Right click “ARP REQ” select “send packet”. A small bar should now appear. Change packets per second to 2000 and send it.
  • Now get back to commview and uncheck the rule you made earlier, in “Rules” menu.
  • You can see the number of packets rising quickly.  By clicking save button in the “File” menu, You must save every 20000 packets. Try to save it as a “dump” .cap file, instead of saving as an ncf file.
  • Now Extract Aircrack-NG. Open aircrack-ng-GUI which is in the map “bin” and click launch after selecting the files you saved previously.
  • From the list of IV’s, pick the target you want to hack.password found
  • And Finally You are now connected with Wi-Fi of your neighbor. Send him a thank you gift for good luck :p

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